Did you know that when you are generous to others your body actually releases a chemical that gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling? It must be natures way of rewarding us when we do something nice. It can be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in line in the grocery store when they have fewer items than you do. It creates good will, and sometimes sparks little conversations, at a minimum a "Thank you again!" and a "My pleasure." Mutual smiles. There were hardly any checkers at the market. There were lines to wait in. Twelve people in a store with three checkers meant lines four carts deep. I sized up those three lines carefully, trying to pick the speediest one. Passed two by but then on seeing the third I returned to the one in the middle, optimistic. I was not looking to be advanced, only looking for greatest efficiency. The lady in front of me was kind enough to notice that she had many more items than I did. I had not even counted, but she noticed I only had five things. She had about thirty. She was kind enough to speak up about it. "I have so many more items than you," she said. "You should go find a better lane." 😂😂😂😂😂🤣 Everyone has their own way of being helpful. ❤️
May 2019